Denbigh Castle | Denbigh | Wales | Royaume Uni

Denbigh Castle

Attraction | Denbigh | Wales | Royaume Uni

Le château de Denbigh est une impressionnante forteresse médiévale située à Denbigh, dans le nord du Pays de Galles, perché sur une falaise naturelle surplombant la vallée de Clwyd. Le château a été construit à la fin du XIIIe siècle dans le cadre de la "Couronne de fer" du roi Édouard Ier, composée de châteaux, afin de consolider la domination anglaise sur le Pays de Galles.

Contexte historique
Après la conquête du nord du Pays de Galles par Édouard Ier en 1282, la région de Denbigh fut attribuée au noble anglais Henry de Lacy, 3e comte de Lincoln. De Lacy a immédiatement entrepris la construction du château de Denbigh et des remparts environnants pour sécuriser sa nouvelle domination. Le château a été construit sur le site précédent d'une résidence de Dafydd ap Gruffudd, dont l'attaque contre le château voisin de Hawarden avait incité le roi anglais à intervenir.

Architecture et structure
Le château de Denbigh est considéré comme un exemple exceptionnel d'architecture militaire médiévale. Le château est doté d'une imposante porte à trois tours, considérée comme l'une des plus complexes de son époque sur le plan architectural. Cette porte est composée d'une disposition de tours octogonales autour d'une salle centrale et était protégée par un fossé, un pont-levis, des créneaux et un herse. L'utilisation de maçonnerie de couleurs différentes servait à symboliser l'autorité royale d'Édouard Ier.

La forteresse est entourée d'une enceinte avec plusieurs tours, dont la tour hexagonale de la Grande Cuisine et la tour de la Chambre Blanche. Dans la partie sud du château se trouvent les chambres dites "Vertes", nommées ainsi en raison de la pierre verte de Gwespyr utilisée dans leur construction. Ces pièces servaient de quartiers résidentiels luxueux et disposaient de caves spécialement conçues pour le stockage de la viande et du vin.

Remparts de la ville
La ville de Denbigh était également entourée d'imposants remparts s'étendant sur environ 1 100 mètres, initialement protégés par plusieurs tours et portes fortifiées. L'une des plus remarquables est la porte de Burgess, qui, avec son motif en damier de calcaire blanc et de grès jaune, exprime la fierté locale et la sophistication architecturale.

Histoire ultérieure
Bien que le château n'ait jamais été entièrement achevé, il a joué un rôle important dans les conflits du Moyen Âge. Pendant la guerre civile anglaise au XVIIe siècle, le château de Denbigh était tenu par des troupes royalistes jusqu'à sa reddition en 1646 après un siège par les forces parlementaires. Ensuite, une partie du château a été partiellement démolie pour empêcher sa réutilisation militaire.

État actuel
Aujourd'hui, les ruines du château de Denbigh et les parties conservées des remparts de la ville sont accessibles au public, offrant un aperçu fascinant de l'histoire médiévale et de l'architecture du Pays de Galles. Le site est géré par Cadw, l'organisation de préservation du patrimoine du gouvernement gallois, et est un héritage culturel important reflétant l'histoire dramatique de la région.

Une visite au château de Denbigh permet d'apprécier l'importance stratégique et la sophistication architecturale de cette forteresse historique, ainsi que d'en apprendre davantage sur le passé turbulent du Pays de Galles.
Denbigh Castle Denbigh




Castle Hill
LL16 3NB Denbigh

Vue de carte

Horaires d'ouverture

Dimanche10:00 - 16:00
Vendredi10:00 - 16:00
Samedi10:00 - 16:00


1004 Avis

Spikey Bones

The photo I posted look at that I saw a big slim cat lying down on the road near Denbigh castle so I threw it lol Best experience!
Vicky Williams

Lovely afternoon with the kids, didn't pay to go in just walked round the outside m, great views
June C

町の中を通り抜け、高台にある古城へ。あまり広くはありませんが、無料駐車場が古城の脇にあります。 城はCadwが管理・運営してます。チケット売り場は橋を渡って、中に入ってから。売店も併設。ドッグフレンドリー。廃墟になっていますが、見応えあります。
Link (Flying games studios)

.The views are like unbelievable and this place gets a 5 star the reason being is cuz all the fun activities and I love historical landmarks!
Neal Smith

Ok, unless you’re from the area, there’s not too much to be gained in historical learning. But a great few walks surround it
prettyspring871 XD

Couldn't tell you as we couldn't afford to get in the prices are an absolute disgrace! We need to be weathy to visit places like this these days..!

Very expensive to get in when you can 90% without paying. Had it have been a reasonable amount, I would have been happy to pay.
Gary Davies

Very friendly, helpful & knowledgeable staff. Really enjoyable visit.
Benjamin Starkey

30 min mad dash,but we'll worth it,nice chatty lady on till,snow and chill,probably just like it was 500 years ago, ramparts were well worth the money, as was dungeon.
Hollie Pay

Great place to visit. History and beautiful views
hayley Easthope

Well worth a visit, lots of ruins & walls to climb, while here climb the town walls as well get the key from reception. You can spend a few hours exploring the area.
Andy Brown

Interesting castle, didn't know it was an English one until I got here, has quite a bit to it like, there is also a part where you can walk along the part of the wall that is remaining 😀 Not very accessible to get into but there is ramps, but unfortunately not to the top part of the castle, beautiful views of Denbigh though if you manage to get up there, highly reccomended Lil charge to go round the rest of it though but you can go though the original main gate (or where it used to be) and up to the gift shop which is lovely inside
Bryan Beaton

Friendly, well-managed, includes an engaging activity for children.
Geraint Williams

Staff were very friendly and recommended the town wall walk. Excellent and i highly recommend

Great place to visit. Not a huge castle but a nice spot to hang out, with great Scenery
Simon Pope

Beautiful views from the grounds and top off wall . Great spot for a picnic 😁
Graham Robert

Not much parking, but quiet and interesting for a couple of hours.
Yogen Mudgal

It is a short walk up a hill from the main high street. I took the bus from Rhyl train station, though, which takes a while to get here. The ruins are beautiful, with lovely views of the hills and valleys. There's only so much else to do, and I wouldn't make a special trip for it, but it's an excellent place to go if you get a chance.
E Liddle

Great day out to see the castle and town loads of history there . Great staff very helpful and good knowledge of history thanks for fab day
Lynn P

Disappointing. It's a steep walk up to the castle, although we discovered a small car park there when we arrived on foot. There's a tiny shop, and a cafe that only serves cold drinks and very limited snacks. I would suggest bringing a picnic with you. You can sit outside the castle on the grass or a bench and see some of the castle from there for free. I paid to go around the castle. My husband has a knee issue at present, so sat and waited at the cafe. There's a lack of signage and information throughout. The views are primarily of a town and some relatively modern houses. If you're further south and have time, visit Laughern castle instead. It's a ruin with beautiful views over the estuary. It's a better way to spend time and money...
Hugh Spencer

Good and lovely day as well
Rebecca T

Very quiet on a Monday, staff were lovely and welcoming. Dog friendly. Probably not as wheelchair friendly as they advertise, but I am strong enough to push my nan over grassy hills / bumps etc, while others would have struggled.
Richard Brookes

Gorgeous spot, stunning views
John Chambers

A bit disappointing Came hoping to find information on an ancestor who was a governor here Very little information given as you walked around

Set of ruins from the fabulous Denbigh Castle. It is huge. Have to go around town to get the feel of how enormous it used io be. Great for a day out with family. Try to be careful with the steps because they are really slippery. Polished due to time. Dogs are welcome. Parking spaces available at the back of the castle, follow signa for parking. There are 3 disabled parking hut they are quite tiny. English heritage members are free.
Dale Hazeldine

Enjoyed it relaxing place
Jon Quick

Great views from the castle walls. An enjoyable walk around the inside of this castle ruins.
Sarah Fox

Amazing place


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